Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?
The best is yet to come.
title: sigh I'm just so tired of family problems.
someone, bring me out alive from it ok? sigh. Labels: why is this happening again? |
title: WOOT :D Today has too much of a coincidence. Haha ! I guess God really do has a plan for me. Went out with Michelle.K again ! First, we went to Bugis to make some payment. And we ate desserts at Dessert house. O.M.G ; the desserts are beautiful. As in literally lah, not the beautiful; it tasted so nice; DAMN NICE ! (1st beautiful thing! nice food !) And we continued our journey to Suntec. There, i go and eat my favourite yogurt ! Yami yogurt ! wahahaha. Peach yogurt with granola nuts. (HOHO ! 2nd beautiful thing! FAVOURITE FOOD !) And we walked all the way to Marina again. saw some actress making some channel 8 show. but who cares?! so, i went into a shop called e-zinc. guess what? I bought a nice nice shirt with ruffles!! wooo wooo~ very very nice. (3rd beautiful thing! NICE SHIRT! heehee) So just as we were passing by the Sasa shop, one of the shop girls actually give us a complimentary make-up voucher. kay-poh kay-poh i went into it. seriously? seriously ! They really do provide free make-over and eyebrow trimming. and the service was excellent. So i had my eyebrow plucked nice nice. (4rd beautiful thing had happened on me! FREE SERVICE !) Walking so much around the mall actually burns calories. Thus, The two of us were actually feeling a lil bit teeny weeny hungry-ness, so, we went to Carls Junior. AND I MADE THE MOST STUPIDEST MISTAKE EVER ! okay. The chillies fries was supposed to be $4.90. I had $4 with me. So i asked Michelle for another $1; instead she gave me $5. GUESS WHAT? I gave the cashier $7 !?!!! So being the puzzled him, was wondering why i gave him so much. and being the normal me, looked at his nametag and his puzzled face, was wondering what took him so long to give me my money back. Suddenly, Michelle said "Qinghui, why you gave him $7? $5 dollars enough alrdy mah?!" I was like "YA HOR? wth? why did i give $5?" Him (Kenneth) "ya. hahaha. you gave me extra" and know what. I knew Kenneth ! Damn it ! He was my audition buddy and same school mate! i only realised when he was smoking outside and i stared at him. (cause he's quite cute luh actually) and his face just ring a bell to me. LOL MY GOD ! you see ! When he sent over our milkshake then i had the courage to ask him! HAHA ! (5th beautiful thing; i knew my friend back.) in a day, there's a few unhappy things happened. first and foremost, i dont wish to hurt anybody feeling; especially mine. so i remained quiet. secondly, it hurts real bad. really bad. till i'm numbed. third, i just dont wish to speak of it anymore. DEAR GOD, MY HAIR. IT TANGLES AND DRIED UP. NOW IT LOOKS LIKE A HORSETAIL! I HOPE MY CONDITIONER WORKS. AND ALSO GOD, I WANNA SLIM DOWN 10KGS! SO PLEASE PLEASE; help me will You? :p AMEN (Vainity is actually a sin! Oops. But prayers do come true right? :p ) Labels: maybe it's you that i've prayed. |
title: weeee This was how Michelle and me look. Before we did anything super strange to our hair. HAHA ! Guess what? We're so crazy that we went for hair extention ! LOL !! TA-DA ! Nice right? but the both of us feel like GHOST. LOL Our hair is damn long~ ![]() WOOHOO. Labels: a change meant a lot of things right? |
title: away I got tired of waiting; Wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you is fading. i am still happy. but part of me is dead after so many things had happened; i've decided. "You're not going to be part of my life" you'll not even be one chapter. you'll just be a few sentences; a few words. Like this : "be gone and go." Just go and leave me alone. i am tired of waiting. really tired. i'm not waiting anymore. Thanks for the memories (: Labels: but you're still my special baby to me |
title: omfg *(&@(^E#(E^# ![]() ![]() Buddy and me ! Camwhoring ! But there's only two productive photos out of so many that we've took . LOL. anyway, to be honest. i havent been going out with all Michelle x3 since dont know how long eh. miss them loads. sigh. tell you guys one fact. my house, got one cute little yellow bird. which is our regular customer to my plants; the cute lil small bird actually built a nest here ! YIPEE! :D SO CUTE CAN. you can see the bird sleeping there one. If we're too loud, it flies away :( but i swear, it's totally da "SEX" moment. LOL. heehee. interesting? it is right? Today at work, i actually sucked a sweet with fungus. and the clock dropped behind me. it's all evil signs. i need to be careful~ *turn behind. *see got evil spirits or not. I think my cheerful VIBE is too strong. wahahaa ! Goh Qing Hui is happy ! (: Labels: because of you (: |
title: bud, butt and ass he was secretly taking my pictures =.= hahahaha. Someone was emphasizing that i was very pretty. LOL. so rare for him to say that. and i must thanks him for the sweet lil comment! =x argh. walked around so much today. see him get a new phone. see him show off, but doesnt know how to use it. and instead i am a much better user than him. how sad. :p WAHAH ! noob ass xD whatever. and he seated at the suntec fountain talking cock. well, it's nice. and there's so many honest comments. i appreciate alot. (: i'm tired zzzz. buddy, stop making me smile to myself. gosh. i look totally stupid =.= you know the reason why i breathe. you know my destiny (: Labels: and it's you. do you realise? |
title: hello ! |
title: sigh and happineessss Love is life and
Life is living, it's very special. :D You'll always be my baby. sigh.. Do you know how special are you to me? There are times when i really want to tell you how special you're to me. But I just can't because there are restrictions. We have restrictions. and baby, i really miss you (: And even though i can't have you, Desires like these are true for you. Well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see. This is my heart bleeding before you. Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart. Sigh. I am really not getting over you. This is so not me. The question is, "why you? why not others?" Oh oh. Work sucks. family matters getting better. (: ain't i happier? I AM HAPPIER (: BTW, airport terminal 3 Lontong so nice can! I can eat non-stop for that. Anyway, i've already stop running ! Getting fatter by the moment. BECAUSE i ate too much lontong. HAHA. Buddy said he wanna buy Samsung phone. He hinted me this morning. he exaggerated how much he LURVVEEE that phone. I told buddy i wan big money more than $1 million, and i hinted him this morning too. and how much i LLURRVEE money like that in big amount. Guess who won this match? heh hehe. I want to piant my room this PINK. okay, maybe darker. those sizzling hot pink. WOO. then my bed to japanese bed. and side lamps. WOOOHOO. I love imagination. I think i am indeed happier (: Thank you everyone. p.s i'm not smoking that much already can! arghhh. Labels: i think i should move on :D |
title: wooo. omg.
i scolded a passenger very loudly. never lose my cool like this before, but he was intolerable. sure get complaint already, never in my life got one complaint letter before. i was so angry that i don't answer his questions when he asked me, he was a frigging arsehole. china man. when he talked i dont even have a chance to open my mouth and tell him what's wrong. my punch was going to fly to him already. i was so determined to call the police at that time. argh. 36 hours of no sleep. and complex feelings inside me. then he disturbed me. serve him right. He thought i'm a chinese therefore he can scold me so fluently. argh. fucking arsehole. where on earth does this kind of people come from? chill chill~ i slept 13 hours non-stop. but i still feel so damn tired. :( i'm quitting smoking already. so stop me when you see me smoke. hahaha! |
title: crazy me. you'll always have a spell on me.
ever since so long ago. think i'm still so crazily in love with you. you still dont know who you are yet. and i regretted not voicing out. i think ytd overnight was totally absurb, fun, crazy and still absurb. i did something i shouldnt do. tsk. huihui ah, you have to stop doing things that are irrational can?! "everything is back to normal right? gosh. i'm so sorry to that person. (hope you're reading it.) i didnt mean to do those stuffs. still friends?" (peeps, if you are reading this, please i didnt kill or agitate anyone. hahahaah!) Hope that bro didnt see that. argh. if he saw that, sure got alot of misinterpretation sure wrong impression of me. argh. ok, i shouldnt be thinking too much. hmmmm. anyway, home is a mess. i dont like my home. i am tired. i want to sleep. and i'm going to work soon.. argh. Labels: why? |
title: :( |
title: something to share? Here are some nice Dilbert's one liners..:
1. I say no to alcohol, it just doesn't listen. 2. A friend in need is a pest indeed. 3. Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce. 4. Work is fine if it doesn't take too much of your time. 5. When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane. 6. The light at the end of the tunnel may be an incoming train.. 7. Born free, taxed to death. 8. Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. 9. Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first. 10. Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking. 11. It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere. 12. I love being a writer... what I can't stand is the paperwork. 13. A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light. 14. The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius. 15. The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it. 16. In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills? 17. If you cannot change your mind, are you sure you have one? 18. Beat the 5 O'clock rush, leave work at noon! 19. If you can't convince them, confuse them.21. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end. 20. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. 21. Hot glass looks same as cold glass. - Cunino's Law of Burnt Fingers 22. The cigarette does the smoking you are just the sucker. 23. Someday is not a day of the week 24. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock. 25. To Err is human, to forgive is not a Company policy. 26. The road to success.... Is always under construction. 27. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does Milk. 28. In order to get a Loan, you first need to prove that you don't need it. 29.If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants. 30.If you tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe, he'll believe you. But if you tell him a park bench has just been painted, he has to touch it to be sure. 31.Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups …….and here's the best of the lot 32. All the desirable things in life are either illegal, expensive, fattening or in love with someone else |
title: Homura okay.
I'm like totally sick right now. But i still wanna go jogging; or at least swimming.♥♥ argh. So pek chek. Buddy ♥ and friends went to genting and malaysia already :( argh. still thinking should i pay the iPhone ♥ or not? next month seems to be quite little money! with mistakes and sickness, i missed out lots of days not working! guess i'll be taking back home around 600 plus or lesser. DAMN it. anyway, the smell of nicotine ♥ still lingers at my fingers. so tempting. I need to quit the bad habit. I need to quit it so badly! ughhh. So many things to do so little time. fuck my bills. laptop ($70); phone ($62); transportation ($52); debts ($70) and lots of miscellaneous stuffs. total is around $400. And genting too. wtf shuld i do? enlighten me pls someone. Hate to worry abt money and relationship. two of the big major unsettled stuffs in the world. Sensitive; easily lost; and whatever bad it is. Argh. God ! I need more money and more time! Amen ♥ Ask and i shall receive. heehee ♥♥ |
title: first. Well, it's a new blog.
I've reverted back to use blogger. hahaha. I'd still think i love to use things that i'm so used to it. argh. the smell of the nicotine still lingers around my fingers and lips. I'm so used to it till i'm craving for it now. How bad is this? very bad. *shakes head* (this is when you have bad influential beside you :p ) i'm in a lost right now. who can be accountable for those time when our eyes met? when we promised each other we will be nothing more than a friend? should i laugh that we are friends or should i cry because that's all we'll ever be? life is such a bitch. i'm waiting for the clock to hit 5 am. 5 am and the first thing i'll do is to take bus 27 to airport. to terminal 1 to buy cigerettes; buy some satay sausage (havent been eating anything much); take my working clothes; and sit at the smoking area to see sunrise, while smoking. That's my plan. and know what, that smoking area is my hiding place, it has an incredibly nice view of the sunrise. I can't wait for it. Things has been messy for me these few days. very messy i would say. somehow, i'm being left alone :( everyone is having fun. I'm stuck at SG with work to do. guess i'll go jogging my mind off after work today. make myself all out; so i wouldnt have to think so much. It's damn sucky, when all you can do is to make yourself busy. till you dont even have time for yourself to forget a certain amount of stuffs. I think God is pretty irritated by me now. I prayed for like more than 3 times today to clear my uncertainties. at the same time, i never feel so much close to God. I thinks He thinks i need to go to His warm hands for awhile. the world is a dangerous place for my mind to wander off like this. ok, this is suppose to be intimate sharing. Whatever, i just like it lor. 3.30am now. And time is passing just the right pace with Ash and Beng talking to me. i'm afraid that i might fall asleep. wooo i was wondering again, if i go US, will anybody be worried for me? argh. my dream is to study there. is either USA or AUSTRALIA. USA - mass communication AUSTRALIA - veterinary or ALL around the world. Just to enjoy.. the wonder of nature or human nature. Just to tell you; i didnt know when not to stop loving you. you have to teach me. you have to draw a line. you have to stop making me guess. alright? the so-called friends forever, bff shits. if i continue guesisng your next step. i think i will give up on you. being a friend or anything more. because i dont want to dream of anything that never were and never will be. Seriously, i can't find a reason to make me smile now. Looking forward to a better day. My guts tell me it will be. |