Like a cloud, it floats aimlessly.


Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?

The best is yet to come.


Follow the soulless Me on Twitter.

♥ AshleyChan
♥ CleffTan
♥ SooHuiLing
♥ MichelleNeo
♥ CheeBoon
♥ WuHongWei
♥ AloysiusOng
♥ MichelleChan
♥ SeokKian
♥ XuanHui
♥ Yuliana
♥ Gene
♥ YangYi
♥ Phoebe
♥ Darrell
♥ Atiqah
♥ ClaraLimMeiXing
♥ Chee Boon
♥ Alex
♥ HuiRu
♥ Shu Xian
♥ Jessie
♥ Elly
♥ Vignette
♥ Wendy
♥ Nina
♥ Fifi
♥ Kelvin
♥ Rebecca
♥ NatalieXu

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
title: Good night!
date: Friday, July 10, 2009
time:12:49 AM
Everyone is full of worth, guard your heart a little.
Because there will be someone who thinks that you're worth the risk,
and that person will try ways and means to break your guard and then get to your heart.

oh well, it's damn true, isn't it?

I'd think you're the worth the risk, but,
do you think i am worth the risk?
Now, that's the question.
Apparently not, I dont think i am worth the risk for you.
Ha, i've already moved on, so yea. (:

Now, these few days were all very meaningful.
School is tough, but nevertheless there's some precious peeps that make it oh-so easy for me.
Thanks thanks.

Can't wait to go out with Mic.k and Ash.C again!
And i'll be seeing my favourite Ajish at work today (later on)!
so so so excited!
Next wed will be physiotherapy again,
(P.S. i realised i didnt lock my twitter update, meaning that everyone can see it! *smack head*!)

oh man, i need a retail therapy session now,
make it better, with no limits of cash flow.
But the thought of scraping through the month with such lil $$$ just makes my head go bonkers.
I hate money, love is so painful already,
Why do stupid human introduce money into society,
worse still, power.

I miss cleff
I miss qi
I miss gary
I miss andy
I miss yola
I miss alot of people.

Good night! :D


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