Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?
The best is yet to come.
title: 100th post 100th post.
I'm puzzled by a lot of things. All these thoughts are locked inside me. I was expecting for you and not somebody elses. It was all out of hand, I can't control anything that's coming straight at me with a blow. Your subtleties, all those things that you thought you can explain, yes, they are killing me. Night cycling was a torture. Yesterday night was more of a suffocating experience than fun. My heart wasn't even with my cousins, it was somewhere else. Smoked like some ass at the chalet. Sigh But Raymond was sweet enough to send me home. Really appreciate alot. Haha, someone from the west to send somebody from the east home. Heh And not to mention that, my neighbour who sacrificed his time and his beauty sleep just to having a 2 hrs meaningless breakfast with me. Because i were stuck outside my house front steps again. Stupid, i know. Thanks guys for making my day at least so much better. It was sweet for you guys to do that. (: Oh well, sometimes i feel that God is playing a fool on me.. Hmmmmm. P.S Don't make me look at you with such disdain. And to somebody else, are you gonna be a passerby in my life again? Happy Birthday, Michelle Chan. (: I'm just very tired, had lotsa fun with you. Happy Birthday and hope your dreams come true. Labels: i'm so bent out of shape |