Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?
The best is yet to come.
title: What? Today was fun, I know, a very mundane word to describe what had happened.
Ate tau-huay at rocher road, the supposedly nice wan-ton noodle (which turns out to be, normal for a wan-ton noodle) and yes the eff-ing nice and crispy bean curd tarts! full till the extent that my stomach could burst if i stuff any food down again. But i didn't have any muffins today! (was hoping for that~) Bishi-bashi & streetfighter with genexoxo, nat & yalumpi, hahahahaha! it's been like 2 years plus since i really go into an arcade and spent my coins there. Yes, exciting! heh! Had great fun bashing the machines up, hey no, wait! The machines are old already, need to be rougher, then they will react better. Ask nat, especially the stupid street fighter. Aiyah! I think I'm getting older, i mean i used to play LAN with cleff & qi when i were, say, 15 or 16 years old? I can happily go out of the LAN shop being the usual high and nonchalant me. But today? I went out of the LAN shop feeling giddy and eeeeww, vomit-ty. I'm old, old, old, old! Sigh! Age, the inevitable enemy creeping on everyone's door without knowing. Anyway, the whole outing was fun and dudes, you guys really really cheered me up! heh. Loves! Thank you for the great evening! (: Something happened to me today. Can't believe it, okay to be honest, i haven't been reading any newspaper since last week. Don't ask me why, I just feel very lethargic these few days. So i wasn't quite update about the H1N1 except for some gossips and rumors. I don't even bother to check when it's just a few clicks away. =.= okay okay, back to what i was saying. I went home late, and when i reached home, my dad opened door and he stared at me. So i was like "papa~" (just a usual gesture when i reach home, i call everyone except my younger brother.) he looked at me for 1 minute, keep staring and he didn't open the door. *Please note that i don't have any keys. I then continued saying "eh, open the door leh?" and he burst out raising his voice at me, "THE NEWSPAPER SAID YOUR SCHOOL CLOSED HOR, and why you go school, TRY TO LIE TO ME AND THEN GO OUT IS IT?! YOU GOT H1N1 OR NOT? HUH? GOT TALK TO ANYONE WHO HAS H1N1 OR NOT?!" I was stunned, and i started replying slowly. "No, I never lie to you, because i had school today and i went out with my friends, and i told mummy already. And i don't know whether my classmates got H1N1, because clearly i don't know how to differentiate who has it and who doesn't, it's not as if their face got write things like 'i have h1n1 or i don't have' so ya, can i go home now?" and he replied "okay, don't go to your room or sit down ah! Straight away, YOU go bathe. And don't get H1N1 back, because if i were to get quarantined, my job will be in jeopardy." True, when i think about it. If i am going to get H1N1, i think i really will make my dad lose his job. Furthermore, he's the sole breadwinner in the family. I think the way my school deals with the H1N1 cases, clearly shows that they are incompetent of handling such stuffs. The way the newspaper reported saying that RP was closed, it doesnt telly when the school is STILL functioning right now! Hello? Mr Principle in RP, what are you tring to do?! And the fact that my block, on the 6th level, someone is suspected of having H1N1 and i'm on the freaking 5th level, quarantine is no fun okay. Yes, i cant afford to be quarantined because of your incompetency of dealing such important stuffs. My god. Can somebody tell me that school suppose to be fun, challenging and safe?! Just think of the big picture and stop focusing on maintaining the school reputation will ya? I hope the MOH step in and disinfect the bloody germs-spreading school. No, i am not looking forward to e-Learning and stayig 1 week at home doing nothing, but i think that health is wealth.. Overall, Just think about rit okay?! Anyway, i am okay lah! Don't worry too much! (: Just a bit quiet because my attention seems to be very diverted these few days. hmmmm. HAHA, yeap! (: Good night, it's 0100 am now! =.= SLEEP TIGHT PEEPS! Labels: dumb fuck. |