Like a cloud, it floats aimlessly.


Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?

The best is yet to come.


Follow the soulless Me on Twitter.

♥ AshleyChan
♥ CleffTan
♥ SooHuiLing
♥ MichelleNeo
♥ CheeBoon
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♥ AloysiusOng
♥ MichelleChan
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© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
title: nights
date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
time:12:23 AM
Okay, I had a lot of flaming to do today.
Really a lot, but i'll just stick to a few, because i'm quite cool now.
These few days, i'm taking it step by step.

Since people said i'm always so rush to settle things.
I'll just chill & relax, take all the time in the world.
And you'll see how my slow movements can thrill you. (to a specific person)

I'm not really sad, just trying to clear up the messes in my head.
Ah, you must be thinking, "WHAT FOR? WHEN THINGS ARE ALL OVER?"
Nah, i just feel the need to do closure and then, put all the things behind me and move on.
I am feeling much better. Really better.

shit, i dont feel like blogging.
just list some shits down.
- transformers 2
- me, myself.

- pp

My reflexes are slow these few days.
Dont blame me if i'm slow or unresponsive.

The fact that i'm trying so hard doesnt change the current situation.
So i'm going to stop trying.

really just stop and just be the normal self back.
you know, run back on my track again.

however, i can't stop trying.
I love to measure how deep is the water, or in simple words,
I just love to play with fire.
Not in the aspect of agitating people, but more towards myself.
For instance, i know this isnt going to work and i've already weighed the consequences myself.
but i'll just try it, and all the times, it fails.
My heart break, but then again, i'm ready to bang the wall.
I never learn from mistake, do i?

How ridiculous.
Sometimes i laugh at my stupidity, am i really that stupid?
Otherwise why am i trying so hard?
When clearly the other party isnt interested, Why the fuck am i still trying?

Hmmmmm :/

I'm just not in the mood to blog. so i'll just let it bits and pieces be all around.
i will clean it up later. TTYL.
Going to sleep.
ciao arseholes,bitches and whatever.
let's do hook up in our dreams then.


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