Like a cloud, it floats aimlessly.


Well, I am what you see.
I am not what they say.
But if I turned out to be,
could you love me anyway?

The best is yet to come.


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© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
title: Life
date: Friday, June 5, 2009
time:7:47 AM
I am stuck at home;
given that i have 1 week not going anywhere because of my fractured foot & not knowing which bone has broken.
I have lots of time at hand and i need to spend it wisely.
I need to do PP, study for tests & I have 3 (Jodi Picoult) books to read. :D

Thou, I had already started on another book "Red-Light Nights, Bangkok Daze", but it's pretty much about why we should give prosititution a 2nd chance & not discriminate them.
But the point is, I discriminate alot on prosititution (the job not the people) and the more I see this author trying to side it, the more disgusted I feel about it.
I know, prosititution is the world's oldest profession. And the girls are pitiful because they have no money, thta's why they joined this profession.
Yet, I'm sorry, I just can't accept it.
No doubt, it's a good book, but i'mma have to let it go.
Just-so-not-my-taste. Yeap.

I'm so excited, because my Threadless Tees are coming all the way from, CHICAGO, IL, US!!
Weeeeee~ Tell me i'm gonna get my parcel in another 1-5 days :D

With this damn cast on my leg, there's lots of restriction that i'm having!
I can't even walk say run,
I can't even bathe properly,
I want to go downstairs but i can't!
Is either i need to be wheeled or I need my clutches.
my whole foot itch but I can't scratch it!

Fuck, I hope it heals faster! Because if i'm still in cast, i'll think about skipping school.
I'm damn serious.

And life is boring for me now. HAHAA

Quote of the day:

I've been looking at this quote for quite a long time, and trying to deciper which part i'm at, and i'm still figuring it out.
I think i belonged to the 2nd part. Or maybe not.
I don't know. :(

"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad." ~Norm Papernick


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