Joke of the day!

Alright, it's been such a long time since I last blogged about what I’m doing.
Boohoo, ok, it's 2 to 4 days only! I know.
But I have so much to say in these few days.
Even when I was doing business in my toilet, I had lots to say!
But now, I have forgotten what I want to say totally. Sigh.
Don’t ask me why I need my emo corner back.
But I seriously need to plan ahead for what is coming up for me.
I feel a little uneasy when I am with people that I don’t really know.
Ever since my ex-bf, I am not able to break through my social network, and it’s very hard for me to find someone that i can trust and confide to. I know it’s bad, but I can’t seem to accept everyone at one go.
I have very few friends that I really count as friends, not because I am very hard to get along with (eh, maybe leis) but I just can’t accept people (friends) who come into my life and breaks my heart continually.
It’s very hard on me, I am there trying to pick up the damage, others took it away and throw it beyond my reach.
And I have a very good case example. OK, I don’t wanna say who lah.
This is why I always take a very very very very deep breath when I stepped in the class. Sounds stupid? Hahaha. Yea, I know. LOL.
Okay, I am trying my very best to converse to my new classmates and no, I am not expecting my them to get use to my craziness so fast.
Maybe, I am a little strange, trust me, more is coming your way.
I am a person that is very quirky
-low self-esteem
-honest critic if you want me to be, bitchy like mad
-can go gaga over handsome and sexy man (but I’m not desperate, they are a piece of art, and I enjoy them as well as woman. LOL)
-I don’t trust very handsome boy and pretty girl (not all thou, I feel that they have a tendency to lie and break your heart)
-talk too much when I’m nervous
-emotionally attached to a person very fast
-very dependent
-stress easily
-honestly I have super horrible fetish
-playful, don’t comply to rules
-feels that I REALLY need to slim down like NOW NOW NOW!
-and lastly, I am really crazy!
some random thing.
“I don’t believe love at first side, but the more I look at you,
The more I am attracted to you.”
back back back, to the topic!
Oh ya, people often get a wrong perception about me, I am that kind of girls who don’t wait.
When I miss you, I mean it, and I really miss you which means that I will sms you and tell you I miss you (:
That also depends on whether do I like you or not. But for the most case, I don’t like the person except as a friend xD
Sometimes when I pray, certain faces come to me and I will tend to pray for them too.
So, when I tell you “I miss you” I don’t mean anything except for “I miss you”. Thus, no further connotation please.
Buddy, this is for you.
I don’t know why but I always thought that you’re the best person I could pour my heart out to you.
I know I still can, but the problem is, when I need you, you are always busy or I don’t know maybe M.I.A? Where were you?
I am not exactly a fan of messaging you.
Really, when I’m out with you and I see how you messaged others and the way you messaged me, it’s totally different.
You replied them less than 5 minutes.
I am fucking jealous, really am.
What about me, i need help, i need you!?
Just like today, I just need 10 mins of your time today, yet you can give me none.
I came upon something so interesting that I wanted to tell you, but after waiting for your call, or in event of calling you in the afternoon, your response is something like this “hey, I need to do something, call you back in ?? mins” and you never call back, NEVER.
If you don’t call, sms me and tell me.
I’m so tired of waiting blindly.
Waiting is a torturing process for me.
I hate waiting, and the worst part is, you are always the person I’m waiting for and you don’t seems give a damn about me.
You can choose to ignore this message, because i just need to get this out from my heart.
Things will never be the same if the pain is still there haunting your heart.
Anyway, I need to create awareness, this is what words can harm one person. Believe it, the impact is fucking serious.
Labels: beautiful plastic
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